Saturday, June 16, 2018

Update - Health and Upgrades

Quite a bit has been happening around here the past few weeks...

Most of you know I was not feeling well and decided to head to the hospital and see if they could finally solve some issues and get me back to feeling well. A friend from here in the park drove me down to the valley and I went to Desert Regional Medical Center, the Cardiologist I have been seeing up here suggested this was the place for me to go...upon arrival my blood pressure was high - 220/165 - not the highest it has ever been, but it was certainly making me feel pretty bad...I spent the night in the ER/Intensive Care while hooked to an IV to get my blood pressure under control. I convinced the Dr. that the Cardiologist was NOT getting my blood pressure under control since January and my last trip to the ER. The Dr. agreed to admit me and work on a pill plan to get my blood pressure down to a manageable level. So for 4 days they closely monitored my BP and kept changing the meds to get it under control. I went in on Tuesday the 29th of May and came home on Saturday the 2nd of June, with 5 new prescriptions which seem to be working - BP is now about 140/80 daily. They ran all kinds of tests and found no serious issues with my heart or vascular system, which was a relief. MRI, Sonogram, EKG, Chest XRay and blood work every friggin 20 minutes it seemed. They poked and prodded every orifice!
While I was 4 days in the hospital I could not smoke, so decided that the hardest part was over and have not had a cigarette since Tuesday the 29th - as of today that now makes 18 days and I am pretty confident I am over almost all of the urges, although I know I could start right back up again in a heartbeat, so will keep fighting the urges.

Several other things have been happening around here - remember the jack knife sofa incident - well I ordered a new recliner and it is super and I love it...great for TV and comfortable enough to sleep in, folds nearly flat!

I also installed a window air conditioner in the Oasis so can spend some afternoons and evenings out there in comfort.

Today another set of shelves arrived, something to assemble tomorrow for the Oasis.

I have also been car shopping - had some interest in the pick-up from a mechanic, hopefully can get that sold and buy a small car....

Looked at an HHR and a Scion. (Like the white here in the Desert on the Scion)

The HHR is a dark color so not as impressed...but I fit in both without banging my head getting in.

The guy has a Jeep Liberty 4 wheel drive coming in that I want to look at in a week or so...

Stay Tuned - I am feeling better and staying busy!

Capt. Jim - "The Wanderer"

Traveling and photographing the Southwest