Sunday, June 12, 2011

Crew Training Day - June 12th

Training started in earnest today with two boats out fishing all day - Kicker, Batman and Snapper Al training new guides Sean and Brian - both of these guides have Alaska experience so it was more of an orientation to the area than a full blown training session, that starts tomorrow with all 12 guides fishing...6 returning guides training 6 new guides - 4 with a little Alaska experience but all seasoned guides...we are looking forward to a great season with 6 Kings already on the dock and 3 of those 6 were over 30 pounds, including a real nice 38 pounder today, plus a small 12 pounder and two 20 plus pounders so all nice tomorrow, still training the office girls to download the pictures and put them in the correct place so I can upload for the blog...guess some more training on that is needed, because here I am writing the fishing report with only one picture from yesterday of some nice rock fish and some halibut...

This picture is from yesterdays fishing, Al Snapper Bermitz took Sean Falconer out and they got one real nice bright Chum salmon and a couple nice halibut and beautiful yellow eye snapper and nice sea bass....

Here are Dewey and I with our catch of three the other day...

And here is Kevin and family with all five of our fish on the board...

And of course Kevin showing off his big one which got beat today...

I will post one more picture from yesterday with another chum and a couple more halibut and some rock fish...then today's catch of the big King and a real nice 8.9 pound yelloweye and a couple nice halibut, I promise to have these up tomorrow as soon as I train the girls how to download the photos...

The beginning of a wonderful fishing season at Yes Bay Lodge in SE Alaska!

Captain Jim Lucas

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