Strong winds and a ton of rain made today a real tough fishing day...we had a few guests trying to leave and they ended up leaving a little late but we came though and got them out of here, hopefully they were able to make arrangements and get back home at a reasonable hour...but we had our work cut out for us here at the Lodge. Strong winds and a ton of rain had our boats bouncing around at the dock overnight and sadly Batman's boat had a small problem with a little too much water for the weather and was reclaimed by the ocean gods...but the fine crew here at Yes Bay pitched in and got everything sorted out and Batman has switched to a new batboat and is ready to fish again!!
Now if the fish would only cooperate...three boats fished both morning and afternoon a few decided to stay in and enjoy the warmth of the Lodge and relax for the day!
Here are the pictures:
Sorry Batman but it is a newsworthy item!
Now the fish Pictures!
A beautiful Yellow Eye!
A Great Day at Yes Bay!!
Capt Jim
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