First outing was a trip to the Kalispell Air Show to see the Air Force Thunderbirds - open pasture at the end of the runway at a friends place - folding chair, cooler with beer, hot dogs on the grill and no rain, perfect day. The sky was cloudy and went from bright white to dark grey so shooting pics was a trial, but managed a few good ones!
Here are some air show pics!
First a real nice P-51
Then a nice bi-plane!
Now the Thunderbirds!
One guy kept flying by upside down - must have been a bad pilot!
My political statement!!
The bomb-burst done horizontal due to low cloud cover!
Then on Monday the 1st of September met a visiting photo forum friend and his wife from Arizona and Jimbo and I took them on a long day trip all the way around Hungry Horse Reservoir - drove over 200 miles. Great day but cloudy and rainy in the morning so made photography a bit challenging but managed a few good shots!
Love to do some closeups especially when the sky is bad!
Now for some landscapes!
A black and white conversion of the above stump!
A reflection shot! And beautiful green shoreline!
Today we are packing up the boat and Jimbo's trailer and in the morning we are heading down to Noxon Reservoir to do a little walleye fishing for a few days - he is towing the trailer and I am towing the boat. May take a few pictures while we are there, but mainly fishing!
When we return we are planning another 4 or 5 day trip to capture some fall colors on the East side of the mountains, that will be a exploring / photo trip - should be fun.
Then the end of the month I will head down to Dillon and meet my friend Steve for a little Beaverhead Trout fishing!
Stay Tuned!
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
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