Sunday, September 13, 2015

Last nite at the Races and a Medical explanation

So - I get 10 thousand emails asking about my recent hospital visit, so I thought I would set the record straight and fill in the details...

I got a FREE mug!

Ok - some history - I have had high blood pressure for well over 10 years and have been on the same medication for most of that time. Last spring I started feeling bad before I headed North to Salt Lake. I was taking my medication and explained my symptoms to my vascular doctor in Salt Lake, who highly recommended that I skip my summer job in Yellowstone and make arrangements to have a complete checkup this summer. Upon arrival in Kalispell I determined that part of my problem seemed to be tied to my medicine and also somehow food related. I stopped taking my medication and the problem went away. I made an appointment with a cardiologist/internist in hopes of finding some answers - went to that appointment on the 27th of August with follow-up appointments through the end of the month and weekly blood pressure check-ups and a sonogram of my heart scheduled.

The new meds did NOT work!

Last Tuesday I had a blood pressure check scheduled followed by my sonogram of my heart (echocardiogram) I did not make it past the blood pressure check - my blood pressure was extremely high - obviously the new medicine was NOT working. I was scheduled to go over to the hospital next door for the echocardiogram and the doctor suggested that it may be easier to be admitted and get my blood pressure stabilized and then do the echocardiogram! So I went over to the hospital and met the hospital cardiologist and we discussed the option of being admitted and it made perfect sense to me - in a supervised environment we could try several medications and run a bunch of tests and hopefully get my problems resolved and an on-going plan for maintaining my blood pressure at a safe level - hopefully with meds that DO NOT make me sick! So that is where we are now - all the tests have been run and I have several follow-ups scheduled. Since leaving the hospital I have felt pretty good and my blood pressure seems to be under control - I have a few minor med symptoms which I can deal with, much better than the previous meds I was on. I am also making some lifestyle changes with a low salt diet etc.

Enough of the health shit - I appreciate everyone's concern but the hospital stay was my choice in order to expedite a solution - from those who PRACTICE their trade rather than solve shit....besides I needed a new mug!

On to more important shit!

For the past five years, everytime I pull into a campground I see my neighbors all have some sort of sign in front of their campsite - something like Bob & Sue Smith from Bumshit Iowa...or similar. I have talked to several wood sign manufacturers - you know the ones at the fairs etc that carve a wooden sign, I explained what I was looking for and none seemed up to the challenge. Then the other day I saw a sign person on Facebook that made custom signs - I sent them a message and told them what I was looking for and he suggested a plexiglass solar lit sign. He was even willing to accept my artwork and design. So I designed a nice sign for in front of my camper, which pretty much explains my situation.

The New sign in front of the camper!

To Explain!

Sara was my high school sweetheart and we were married for about 5 years. Anzie was a live-in for a couple years in Miami - Mimi was a glandular thing and we were married 9 months. Sharon (AKA Godzilla) and I were married about 14 years and after the war of the roses...divorced and I have been very happily single ever since and intend to stay that way...UNLESS? Therefore the question mark!

Last night at the Races!

Last night was the last race for our class at Montana Raceway Park. Those of you who have been following along know that my good friends Jim Flinchbaugh and Dustin Martell moved up from a lower class last year and built a new car in a higher class - they went from Hobby Stock to Super Stock. So this was the first year for a totally new car and there have been some trials and tribulations of getting the new car set up and running in contention. Flinchbaugh is an engine builder by trade and has been involved in a number of cars and has had great success, he and Dustin really excelled in the Hobby Stock class and planned to have the same impact on the Superstock class. The first few races were getting used to the new car and they had a few issues - melted distributor - carburetor issues and a severe miss and never quite running well enough to get the handling issues resolved. Last time out all the running issues seemed to be resolved so the anticipation was high for the remainder of the season, just about that time the assholes at Montana Raceway Park decided to combine two classes - the Superstocks running with the Late Models. Note the late models have way more horsepower and it made it VERY HARD to compete. Hard to run with the big dogs and get a win!

Regardless - Jim and Dustin decided to continue to work the bugs out of the car and see how it went. Since there were only a couple weeks left with the combined classes. Last night was the finish of the season and a long race - 100 laps. The goal was to avoid any wrecks and get some lap time on the car and work on handling issues.

However - even with all the issues of a new car Dustin still finished 2nd in points for the Superstock class - we could have won had we not had several of the running issues - hell of a job for a Brand New Car! Wait until next year! Although if they combine classes again the number 84 car will be running elsewhere - pay attention Montana Raceway Park!

Lord knows where we timed in - but ran a good time for our original class - only one other car in our class timed in faster.

We ran with four cars in the short 6 lap Trophy Dash and finished second!

We ran in the 15 lap Heat race and finished second - starting in 5th place! Good Driving Dustin!

The number 33 car is a Late Model!

Pit Boss - Jim Flinchbaugh!

Another highlight from last nite - an engine Jim Flinchbaugh built last week for a Hobby Stock car - finished first in his class last night.

The Driver - Corey Kruse!

There will be more - I put my GoPro camera in the car last night and will be adding a video to the Martell Racing website in the coming days!

On a personal note - my summer is nearly finished here in Kalispell - I plan to head South in a couple weeks, now that racing is over - Flinchbaugh and I plan on doing some fishing and I will stop and fish the Beaverhead in Dillon with my good friend Steve Carter on my way South towards Salt Lake and ultimately back to Twentynine Palms. for another winter with the "old Folks" - oops I am one now!

Weather here is turning fall like - with predicted nighttime lows in the high 20's and snow down to the 5000 foot level - so time to get a new fuel pump in the truck and get hitched up and go!

Stay Tuned -still more adventures to experience!

Capt. Jim - "The Wanderer"

Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!

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