Without fail - the question I would get was "WHY OHIO"?
Well, here it is - who wants to go have a beer or Margarita with old friends?
I was very happy to spend an evening with my old classmates at the Green Diamond!
We had a nice turn-out! Thank You!
I still have plans to get out and take many more pictures of Ohio and see more friends!
Here is one I took the other day in my campsite!
I get immense enjoyment sharing my travels and photography with my friends from Florida, Montana, Alaska and my winter friends from 29 Palms RV Resort in California...but most of all my dear friends from Ohio. My life on the road can get a little lonely from time to time, but knowing that I have so many special people following me, makes me look for my next place to share.
Thank you everyone for following along!
I will be in Ohio all summer with plans to head to Tennessee to see some more friends in late September or early October, I will also be visiting a prospective RV Park in North Carolina to see about spending time and working there next summer. Plan to be in Florida for next winter, will spend most of my time in the Tampa, St Pete area where I lived for 20 years or so...lots of people there to visit. After next summer plan to be back out west with my winter friends in S. California...
Before I leave this fall, I will be seeing many friends and relatives here and also taking some pictures for next years calendar...still working on ideas for that project.
I had a great time last night, I really enjoyed seeing so many old classmates! Next meeting is July 12th at the Hungarian Club, make plans to be there!
Still have a long summer at my RV Park and taking pictures of the activities, you can see my pictures at the link below.
Stay Tuned!
You can see all I have taken HERE on my SmugMug site!
Capt. Jim - "The Wanderer"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!

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