The truck ran fine and pulled the trailer with ease, not quite as easily as I thought it might, but way better than the old truck - mileage was over 9 almost 10 but it was real hilly country and once on the highway I suspect it got quite a bit better, will know more tomorrow as I will be on all interstate highway.
The drive from 29 Palms to Amboy and then on to I-15 is about as boring as can is nothing but desert and nothing, guess that's why they call it the Mojave National Preserve. There is literally about 2 small settlements and no services on rough 2 lane road for several hundred miles.
I did manage a couple shots along the way - in Amboy where I ran on Rt 66 for a few miles!
Valley of Fire was as expected, it is always beautiful and the sky was a perfect blue with some nice clouds to good for picture goal was to get a good shot of the truck and trailer to use on the blog at the bottom with some nice red rocks in the background, of course I shot some other pictures as well.
These were taken in the campground! Wildflowers are starting to bloom in spite of the drought!
A wonderful Beaver Tail Cactus with numerous blossoms!
I went to bed early last night - internet was sporadic and no TV, so decided to get some rest and have a nice breakfast and take a nice walk in the morning with my coffee. Then I broke camp and took a very leisurely drive through the park stopping at numerous places to walk and explore and take some more pictures...
More Wildflowers!
Then a few shots of the truck and trailer in the Red Rock!
Stay tuned I am now in Mesquite Nevada and will work my way towards Salt Lake City tomorrow, understand there is highway construction between here and Utah, so will be a slow go...not sure where I will stop tomorrow, but traveling through some beautiful country so will take some pics and pull over and sleep when I get tired!
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
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