I have been waiting patiently for my new photo book and it arrived and looked great - made a few minor corrections and uploaded the new version and another copy is ordered and on the way. It will be available for sale very soon. I also made a smaller soft cover version which is much less expensive for anyone interested, I will announce when they are both available for sale along with the one with pictures from Yes Bay Lodge. You can see a preview HERE!

My other Christmas morning chore is making Hash Brown Casserole for dinner in the Clubhouse at 2:00 pm - we have nearly 50 people registered, should be a great time.
Crock Pot - Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole! Cheese gets added about an hour before finish!

Cooking in a small RV can be a challenge - for room the bed gets changed into storage for things normally on the stove.

Now time for a zip lock bag omelet for Christmas Breakfast!

Now two eggs into the ziplock after smashing add your favorite ingredients.

I added green onions, ham and bacon and cheese!

Pot of boiling water...

About 15 minutes...

Out of the ziplock and on the plate...PERFECT!

No clean-up no mess...
Stay tuned busy week between Christmas Dinner and New Years here at the resort!
Capt. Jim - "The Wanderer"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!

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