This morning only one guest boat went out, the rest went hiking and fished the stream by the Lodge for catch & release trout!
Kicker and I went out fishing for some halibut for the Lodge, managed a real nice 40 pounder plus a beautiful yellow eye snapper!
This afternoon several boats went out and Slammers boat went after salmon while my boat pounded the bottom for halibut. Slammer got a couple nice pinks and 2 nice King boat managed a couple Pacific Cod and called it an afternoon!
Captain Al and guests managed a good rock fish catch in the morning and a couple nice halibut and a large 10 plus pound yellow eye...
Here are the pictures of today's catch!!
Kickers catch this morning!
I used a stand in for the photo because Kicker is too ugly!!
Captain AL (Yea Yea) Bermitz and guests - morning catch!
Captain AL (Yea Yea) Bermitz and guests - afternoon catch!
Captain Dan (Slammer) Colander and guests - afternoon catch!
Close up of King!!
Always a good day of fishing at Yes Bay Lodge in SE Alaska!!
Capt Jim Lucas
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