So I headed out toward the State Park up the Chilkoot River looking for something other than landscapes. Give me a friggin animal an eagle or a bear would be fine. Nothing along the way so got to the park and turned around to head off in another direction still hopeful of finding a bear or something. Stopped at the eagle nest and nothing and then all of a sudden an eagle flew overhead and I grabbed a shot.
The eagle!
So I am pretty happy with the fact that an eagle flew over and I managed to grab an in flight shot, but I feel that today will be a day of I am driving away from the park looking for some nice mountain and water shots, maybe a good reflection shot...going down the road I frame a good shot, but I will need to get out of the truck and walk down towards to water to get the shot....I park the truck and change lenses and get out and start down the bank towards the water walking through high grass...trying to get close enough to the water to eliminate it from the foreground of the wide angle lens. Of course as I walk down to the water the wind comes up a little and the perfect reflection is gone....damn!
I get the shot!
As I finished a series of about three shots, something catches my eye to the right a little movement. So I turn and this is what I see!!! Peeking up over the bushes is a big ass brown bear!! And she is only about 15 feet away!! Holy Crap!!
I decide this is entirely too close for comfort but I zoom in the wide angle and try for one more shot!!
Just as I finish the shot the bear stands up on her hind legs and is easily 9-10 feet tall. I figure it is time to make a retreat to the truck and change lenses. BTW - this was a smart move as the bear followed me all the way back through the grass!
So I get to the truck and change lenses and with the telephoto I can get some good shots and remain in the truck!
And now one for Greg Lantz - he has been bitching about me taking pictures of dandelions and weeds, well the friggin bear liked the dandelions and was chowing down!!!
Back to the landscapes!
Stay tuned for more fun as the season progresses!!!
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
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