So money arrived right on time thanks to my wonderful sister being able to get the investment account transferred to my bank.
Spent the past 4 days getting the hitch, generator and tool boxes unsecured from the bed of the old truck, it is all piled in front of my trailer and ready to get reinstalled in the new truck. It took a little getting used to the stick shift again, only missed one gear on the trip back to the campground and put $100.00 worth of gas in the beast!! Big Tank - 38 gallons which will be nice for the road....
So here it is!! I love that I finally have "cab lights" like a real truck!!!
And a final salute to the old F-150...Thanks for the memories "Old Blue"!
Ordered a tonneau cover for the new one and a new mount for my handheld GPS - and of course my "Run You Stick Bastards" decals!!
It will take the next couple weeks to get everything installed back in the truck - have to see what hitch mounts to order and get it installed and of course get the generator back up in the bed of the truck....with a full sized 8 foot bed I will have much more room, looking forward to that and it is a real pleasure to have a drivers side 1/2 door for the back seat, the old 150 only had the extra door on the passenger side - and I had ordered a set of mirror extensions and they fit perfectly so will be nice to be able to see the back of the trailer and if anyone is behind me....
Still waiting to finalize my summer plans but have an offer at Lake Powell that is really interesting, so another item off the old bucket list and a HOT summer on a beautiful houseboat in the desert...
You can see the video HERE!!
Stay tuned for details...
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
of course the stick people