I left Salt Lake and my good friend Steve's on Thursday and had a wonderful easy drive to Dillon, Montana - trip leg was about my max for driving while towing - I try to keep it around 300 miles - it was 367 miles - truck did great made it on one tank of gas, love the bigger tank in the new truck (except when filling it) - and managed to get 12.8 MPG which I think is a record while towing! Checked in at Southside RV Park my normal spot, great people and they gave me a nice discount since I stop in all the time! Back in site but they helped direct me in which is nice! Unhitched and off to dinner...that is a whole story itself, but anyway had a great dinner and back to the trailer for an early bedtime - traveling again in the morning.
Up early - hitched up and headed closer towards Kalispell. The drive was fine for the early morning but hit terrible hard rain and high winds on route 90...at one point following a big truck we were doing about 45 MPH - played hell with the gas mileage but it cleared up after about 50 miles. I have been "Jonesing" to take some pictures, so decided since I would get near the Bison Range around lunch time - I would check in at a nice small RV Park and take a drive through the range.
So dropped the trailer - topped up with gas - 10.16 MPG - weather and wind makes a big difference.
Took these two the road at the "Continental Divide" rest area!
Then the Bison Range!
This is for Millhoff!!
I was disappointed in the Bison Range, usually a ton of antelope around for some great pics - but not one yesterday?? The Bison typically don't cooperate and get real close, but saw some deer a black bear a few distant bison and of course the flowers and birds!!
Now I got a hankerin for some ice-cream - watch out Flinchbaugh's, I am just down the road and will be there soon!
Stay Tuned!
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
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