Flew out of Kalispell yesterday morning and was at the Lodge in time for dinner! Great to be "Back Home"...
Per the usual - After landing in Ketchikan, the guests 10 people were flown out on two planes and I stayed back with the luggage and then got to load luggage and fly out with the bags!! Beautiful day and beautiful flight.
Mixture of pictures today - a couple from my visit to Glacier National Park in Kalispell then a couple from my trip yesterday and a beautiful shot from this morning.
St Mary Lake in Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park
Loading Luggage in Ketchikan!
Beautiful Flight Out to the Lodge!
Absolutely Stunning Morning today!
Stay tuned for some fishing pics the next couple weeks and some more Alaska Scenery!
Capt. Jim - "The Gypsy"
Traveling and photographing the Southwest and Alaska!
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