JUNE 14th – Sunday started out slow and ended slow…several Kings were caught but they were spotty at best! The afternoon didn’t get much better, warm weather and clear skies but the fishing was not the best. Fun was had by all, but we were all hoping for a little rain to get the fish to move a little!
JUNE 15th – Monday was much better - the rain came out and it was a wonderful day of fishing! I broke out my new Rain hat to entertain the crew and guests…bought it special for these Alaska rainy summers!!
Lots of fish caught today – My boat caught 4 nice bright Chum salmon and several other boats managed a few Kings and late this afternoon, Axman brought in a nice halibut! It was a good day of fishing, we all know the rain got the fish finally moving, so we are looking forward to another good day tomorrow!! See pictures of the catch from the last 2 days!!
Capt Jim
It takes a real man to carry off a hat like that - panache & practicality combined!